Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Bachelor Pad!!!!

Oh...Em...Gee..... The drama that will unfold on Monday nights!!!!

I conveniently missed last season of this fun show and if it wasn't for the Jake/Vienna drama, I'd be accidentally missing this season as well.  Basically this is all the Bachelor/Bachelorette rejects coming back to where it all started to battle it out for $250,000.  But to me..it was anyone and everyone that had ever caused drama and made us HATE them.  And all the ones in the house who hates them.... Lemme break down the cast for ya.. :)

Jake Pavelka -- former Bachelor (Season 14)..pilot from Dallas...kind of a self-centered douchebag

Vienna Girardi -- formerly engaged to Jake Pavelka...tends to stare at something random above the camera during her one on one time...drama queen...I lovingly refer to her as "Vienna Sausage"

Kasey Kahl -- one of Ali's rejects from her season.. total D-Bag again..Sausage's current BF..he sounds like he's a fruit loop if ya catch my drift.  This is the idiot that got the tattoo and should trademark the "guard and protect her heart" catchphrase.

Michelle Money -- one of Brad's second season rejects..most hated for acting CrAzY during her one on one camera moments.  She's also famous for telling Ashley Hebert about Bentley Williams..and Ashley is famous for not listening...

Gia Allemand -- Gia is another Jake reject that he dumped right after hometown dates.  She was on last season of Bachelor Pad..they must have run out of other people to call since she's back.

Michael Stagliano - from DeAnna's season of Bachelorette..was engaged to fellow BP contestant Holly Durst and she broke it off...so there's his drama factor.

Holly Durst -- from Matt's of The Bachelor..was engaged to Michael Stagliano and ended it after getting cold feet. 

Melissa Scrieber -- one of Brad's rejects who is famous for getting into an argument with another contestant during the 2nd or 3rd cocktail party.  She cries a lot and apparently hasn't grown out of that due to the preview.

Kirk DeWindt - from Ali's season of Bachelorette.. he's the one who's dad is the taxidermist..it freaked Ali out and she dumped him.

Ella Nolan - from Jake's season (boy he has a lot of exes in this house!)..the really gorgeous single mom who Jake stupidely dumped during a two on one date.  She was recently engaged and called it off and is now single & ready to mingle.

Erica Rose - the one who calls herself "the Princess".. sounds like a drunk Grandma most of the time.. she as on Prince Lorenzo's season..expecting maids in the house & everything...

Graham Bunn -- famously known as the heartbreaker from DeAnna's season who didn't have the same feelings for her as she did for him.

Jackie Gordan - from Brad's season..she famously told off Michelle Money on the Women Tell All..and now there is a feud between them. She was the one who wasn't scared to say the truth!

Justin "Rated-R" Rego - before Bentley he was the worst villian in Bachelor history.  Came onto the show having a girlfriend and she called Ali who then called him out in front of everyone.

And now we have...Ashley's Rejects!!!!

William Holman -- the idiot who trashed Ashley and "expected Shawntel or Emily" during the comedy roast

Ames Brown -- dumped after hometown dates.. he is the one who is very robotic..

Blake Julian -- fellow dentist.. never got a one on one date with Ashley and wasn't too happy when Bentley showed back up in Hong Kong

If you've been keeping count, that is 18 crazy people.  Wow....

I'll be back with another post soon about the 1st episode breakdown... :)