Wednesday, March 27, 2013

New Blog!

I created a new blog for all the things I do that I find from Pinterest! I figured if I put it all here, it might take away from what I want this blog to be about.. which is random musings. :)

So please check out my other blog, Pinterest-aholic and save it as a favorite! :)


Spring Wedges!

So you all know I'm a huge fan of The Bachelor franchise right?? I even used to post recaps of previous seasons (before I took a huge hiatus from this thing..).  Anyhoo.. this season with Sean Lowe just wrapped up and I was kind of sad not only because of not getting to see his abs week to week (thank you Dancing with the Stars for bringing him on board) but also because his sister wouldn't be posting weekly updates anymore on her blog! UGH! But I have fallen in love with her blog, Mix and Match Mama, because she not only posts awesome delicious recipes but FASHION.  This girl is obsessed with her wedges!! So am I! I <3 wedges!!!
So inspired by Shay, I am featuring some cute new wedges for Spring.. which I hope to get at least one pair in my closet soon! :)
Enjoy. :)

Jessica Simpson Kriella Wedge - Dillards $98 (love all the fun colors!)
Lucky Brand Cork Wedges - Dillards $79 (not a fan of color but love the lace details!)
Isla Oma Cork Wedges - Dillards $99 (LOVE LOVE LOVE!)
Lucky Brand Riede CutOut Wedge - Dillards $79
Lucky Brand Yulia Wedge - Dillards only has brown & a snake print.I love these in black though!
xoxo - KS

Monday, March 25, 2013

Curling up with a good book....

So I mentioned in my previous post (yes from earlier today) that we are experiencing a cold snap here in Texas before Easter.  So who wants to be outside when it's frigid?? Not me! I'd rather be curled up in front of the electric fireplace reading a good book.

I am honored to personally know a few good authors.. local ones at that!  One in particular is a very good friend of mine, Jeannie Faulkner Barber over at The Pen Temptress.  She is currently promoting her 3rd published book, a fantasy novel with co-author Bernadette Thompson Martin.

While I haven't read the fantasy book and therefore can't yet offer a review (although I'm anxiously awaiting a little free time to sit down and read it), I can tell you about her mystery novel, Taste of Fire.

Taste of Fire is about a female firefighter named Terri Neal who joined the boys' club after being inspired by her late adopted father.  This book is full of twists and turns and jaw-dropping moments with Terri seeking out her biological parents.  According to, "..this task will be far from mundane as it propels Terri down a path of intrigue, romance, and peril. In the innocent shadows of daylight, a lethal stalker and kidnapper lurks. Death approaches ... and someone will soon succumb to the insatiable TASTE OF FIRE!" 

It's available on and also you can download it on your Kindle or Nook! :)

xoxo- KS


Soo... obviously since its been since June that I have written I totally didn't follow up with that June resolution!

Who needs resolutions anyway??

I read a lot of other people's blogs who are totally faithful and I think to myself: "Why can't I stay motivated like these people? Why don't I have enough random crap to talk about?"  I'm sure since I'm no celebrity I won't ever have much of a following on my blog therefore not much to discuss.  These people get asked questions which LEAD to more blog posts.  I answer enough questions in my real life, from people I actually know.

So I guess I will just pretend this blog is a sort of diary.  If one reads it..hey.  If not.. hey.  I really don't care.  I'm calling it stress relief.  Who know maybe some of my random humor can get documented. lol :)

Here's my "Hallelujah it's Spring!" picture, as I sit and type it is 40-50ish outside.. Texas is notorious for experiencing one last cold spell before Easter.  It's like Winter is sticking it's fist out the window threatening.  Yeah yeah we know you are powerful and yet no one likes you. Go away.  I'm ready for my flip flops!!!

I'm also ready for mid-May so I will be done with College Algebra.. pending me actually passing the class.  I have always said I would never use this crap in real life..but I have discovered there are times that I have.  But I want it to be over with.. I hate it.  It's sucking up the fun and joy I normally experience this time of year. 

April will be a busy month, I have a few concerts to attend with my BFF Victoria.  Looking forward to some downtime!

That's all I have to say for now... I will leave you with a funny e-card. :)

xoxo - KS