Monday, March 25, 2013


Soo... obviously since its been since June that I have written I totally didn't follow up with that June resolution!

Who needs resolutions anyway??

I read a lot of other people's blogs who are totally faithful and I think to myself: "Why can't I stay motivated like these people? Why don't I have enough random crap to talk about?"  I'm sure since I'm no celebrity I won't ever have much of a following on my blog therefore not much to discuss.  These people get asked questions which LEAD to more blog posts.  I answer enough questions in my real life, from people I actually know.

So I guess I will just pretend this blog is a sort of diary.  If one reads it..hey.  If not.. hey.  I really don't care.  I'm calling it stress relief.  Who know maybe some of my random humor can get documented. lol :)

Here's my "Hallelujah it's Spring!" picture, as I sit and type it is 40-50ish outside.. Texas is notorious for experiencing one last cold spell before Easter.  It's like Winter is sticking it's fist out the window threatening.  Yeah yeah we know you are powerful and yet no one likes you. Go away.  I'm ready for my flip flops!!!

I'm also ready for mid-May so I will be done with College Algebra.. pending me actually passing the class.  I have always said I would never use this crap in real life..but I have discovered there are times that I have.  But I want it to be over with.. I hate it.  It's sucking up the fun and joy I normally experience this time of year. 

April will be a busy month, I have a few concerts to attend with my BFF Victoria.  Looking forward to some downtime!

That's all I have to say for now... I will leave you with a funny e-card. :)

xoxo - KS

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