Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Bachelor Episode 2 Mini-Recap

Ahh, The Bachelor is back. I have missed my weekly dose of drama over women fighting over one man. Last night's episode was quite dramatic to say the least. Can I just go ahead and say that I join the masses of the girls in the house and do not like Michelle?? She's gorgeous, don't get me wrong, but she's a wee bit selfish. Did anyone keep count of how many times she told us it was her 30th birthday? I think my last count was ten. She whined because she had to go on a group date with 14 other girls and Brad on her birthday and wah-wah, it wasn't what she had expected. She ended up with the rose on the date, I think because Brad felt bad since it was actually her birthday. Then when she had the rose, she pretty much waved it in everyone's face. Heifer!

Let me back up a bit to Ashley H's carnival date. LOVED her gold dress!! I really admired the serious conversation that she and Brad had about growing up without a Dad. I think she'll go really far in this Bachelor run.

And then we get to Jackie's "dream date". Of course every girl wants to go to the spa with her man and then be surprised with a room full of gorgeous evening gowns and shoes to chose from. How did she chose? That's what I want to know. I don't think I would have picked what she wore, but it was very pretty. I already think Jackie is (Glee's)Lea Michele's twin. And then after picking a gorgeous outfit and having her hair and makeup done, she gets suprised with Neil Lane diamonds to wear. What?! That never happens in real life, c'mon!! Let's not even begin to mention the amazing date they were on.. I want the clothes, forget the date! :)

Then of course we have our weekly dose of drama. Melissa (blonde waitress from FL) and Raichel (the manscaper with fake boobs) apparently have a beef with each other. They were arguing at the group date, then continued it into the cocktail party. What a perfect week for Ali & Roberto to drop by and interview each girl and give Brad their opinion. Needless to say, neither Mel or Raich received a rose. Guess Brad doesn't care for drama, huh?

This concludes my review of this week's Bachelor...... :)


  1. i don't even watch the show and i know who he picks....besides i think Brad is a major tool. sorry, just had to say it.

  2. Lol let me guess, you read RealitySteve's blog?? haha I have an idea of who he picks. And YES he is a tool.. lol I think ABC got desperate for someone and he came back with his tail between his legs and they thought RATINGS! :)

  3. i did read the blog!! lol i just kinda got burned out on the bachelor....mom watches it and the bachelorette every week....i got burned out on a lot of things that way
